Daily Challenges Faced by Differently-Abled Individuals

A differently-abled person

People managing a physical or mental restriction can experience many difficulties in life. Coping with the pain or discomfort aside, many other things can often cause frustration for differently-abled individuals. Society is growing in acceptance for physically diverse individuals, but we still have a long way to go. Here are a few daily challenges that differently-abled people encounter in their surroundings.

1. Difficulties In Their Relationships

There is still a stigma associated with forming romantic relationships with people who have different needs than the majority. People with physical difficulties often get ostracized. The myths associated with disabilities can often keep them from finding emotionally compatible partners.

2. Lack of Accessibility at Home

The architecture of the majority of homes is not designed to support the needs of the physically diverse. They often have to hire handicap remodeling contractors to make their own homes befitting for their individual needs. From the bathrooms to the kitchens to the outdoor landscape, everything requires aid from handicap home modification contractors of Miami. Those who do not have the financial means to afford these renovations might live in sub-par conditions that make their life even more difficult.

3. Education

Many people struggling with physical or mental impairment can struggle to access quality education. The challenges faced by a regular school or college student are further amplified for these individuals. Educational institutes can often disregard or misunderstand the needs of these individuals and hinder their academic growth as well. These diverse individuals resort to admitting to a school for “special individuals” or homeschooling options.

4. The Stereotyping

The majority of the population in any society does not realize the uniqueness of differently-abled people. This is due to the lack of knowledge about different forms of disabilities and the needs associated with them. People sometimes muddle all these disabilities together and assume that every disability comes with the same physical or mental restrictions.

A woman who uses a wheelchair

5. The Low Standards Set by the Society

Differently-abled people have the capabilities just like any other member of society. Despite this, these individuals often get looked down upon by society. People assume that they are unable to achieve as much as a typical human can. This can impact the morale and confidence of differently-abled people.

6. Travelling and Transportation Restrictions

Whether it is a bus, a plane, or a car, physically diverse people get denied many of their basic needs while traveling.

7. Employment-Related Issues

Most companies prefer not to hire physically diverse individuals because they have different needs. Even if they find employment successfully, these individuals still have to face many other discriminations within the workplace.       

Make the life of your physically diverse family members easy by contacting Access Built today for accessible home renovations in Miami.


Myths about Some Common Types of Disabilities